What do our bodies need in order to optimally fucntion and manifest 100% health?
To start, lets define our terms.
To start, lets define our terms.
http://www.dictionary.com/ defines living as follows:
liv-ing. –verb
from the noun LIFE:
the condition that distinguishes organisms from inorganic objects and dead organisms, being manifested by growth through metabolism, reproduction, and the power of adaptation to environment through changes originating internally.
It defines innately as:
in·nate'ly - adverb
from the adjective INNATE:
Possessed at birth; inborn.
Possessed as an essential characteristic; inherent.
Of or produced by the mind rather than learned through experience: an innate knowledge of right and wrong.
Putting it all together, LIVING INNATELY would mean the act of life in a manner that is inherent to our bodies, and congruent with what our bodies have an inborn need for.
When it comes to being well, and having our bodies function at their optimal level, there are certain things we need to give our body in order for it to manifest health and function at 100%.
In order to be well, we have to be pure and sufficient in the way we eat, move and think. Unfortunately, our lifestyles today are toxic and deficient in these three main categories.
We have strayed so far from what our bodies innately require, and it is taking it's toll on us and society, evident in our continual rise of chronic dis-ease. Our bodies express a natural physiological proccess of life, and must adapt to our stressfull environment (deficiencies and toxicities in the way we eat, move and think) ultimately manifesting in dis-eases of lifestyle (diabetes, cancer, obesity, heart disease, etc).
If we could give our bodies what they need, if we could get back to LIVING INNATELY, we would have full control of health, and the way we manifest wellness.
I welcome you to Living Innately. This blog is about empowerment. The information you receive will empower you to live a life of wellness. I look forward to working with you!
yours in wellness
Dr. Adrian
1. Chestnut, James L. "Innate Diet and Natural Hygiene"
copyright 2004 The Wellness Practice - Global Self Health Corp
2. Chestnut, James L. "Innate Physical Fintess and Spinal Hygiene"
copyright 2005 The Wellness Practice - Global Self Health Corp
3. Chestnut, James L. "Innate State of Mind and Emotional Hygiene"
copyright 2005 The Wellness Practice - Global Self Health Corp
hey doc,
ReplyDeleteGreat job on your post! It was a great introduction, good grabber pic, sources are strong and listed, good use of color, and an excellent job on the "about me" section. bravo!