This entry is specifically about how particular facets (DAIRY in specific) in nutrition play a role in our health and wellness.
“A truths initial emotion is directly proportional to how deeply the lie was believed. When a well packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker a raving lunatic.” Dresden James
"Milk, does a body good." The catch phrase has been marketed so well, it's second nature to think, milk = strong bones. Does it? When we think of milk, we think calcium. We associate calcium with strong bones. Marketing and advertising has one goal: to anchor pleasure/benefit to their product. Dairy marketing has been VERY effective.
Our bodies are meant to maintain homeostasis (balance). One of the ways it regulates balance is through pH. Our bodies make sure we don't get too acidic, or too alkaline...we go up, we go down, but average out right to where we need to be. When we drink milk, an acidic environment is created in the blood. Our bodies are smart, and try to neutralize the situation by bringing in some alkaline materials. Unfortunately, these alkaline materials are leached from our bones, in the form of calcium. Most people know that calcium is needed for strong bones. If we continually do this, drink milk, and leach calcium from our bones...we get brittle bones.
Drinking milk actually yields osteoporosis, the exact opposite of what we have been led to believe it does!!! In addition to this, the pasteurization process that is used to kill off bad bacteria, destroy the enzymes we would use from the milk to absorb the calcium (and various other things).
Some questions to consider: What other animal drinks the milk from another animal? None. What other animal suffers with osteoporosis? None...aside from the ones we domesticate!
Dairy and grains are not a constituent of what our blueprint calls for. "World-wide, the adoption of this diet (high amounts of dairy and grains) has been accompanied by a major increase in coronary heart disease, stroke, various cancers, diabetes and other chronic diseases."8
"Wellness nutrition is NOT about diagnosing each individual nutrient deficiency or nutrient deficiency related disease or condition. Wellness nutrition is NOT trying to treat diseases or conditions with nutrients, herbs, tonics, potions, or lotions."1 Its simply giving our bodies what they need...fruits and veggies, nuts and seeds, lean game and fish.
A good replacement for dairy milk is almond milk. If you can't do with out milk, 'fresh' milk is best (thats not the kind you buy at the grocery store which is pasteurized), and goat's milk is better than cow's milk, because they are TYPICALLY more free range.
The rule we follow is, add in positives...over time, the negatives will just fall off!
yours in wellness,
"Let thy food by thy medicine, and thy medicine be thy food" Hippocrates
1.Chestnut, James L. DC "Then Innate Diettm and Natural Hygiene"
Copyright 2004 The Wellness Practice
2.Chestnut, James L. DC and Lipton, Bruce PhD"The Truth about Genes"
Copyright 2008, 2009 The Wellness Practice
3.Cordain, Loren PhD "The Paleo Diet"
Copyright New York 2002 John Wiley and Sons, Inc.
4.Eaton, S Boyd. MD et al "Stone Agers in the Fast Lane: Chronic Degenerative Diseases in Evolutionary Perspective" 1988; Am. J. Med 84, 739-749
5.Eaton, S Boyd. MD et al "Paleolithic Nutrition Revisited: A twelve year retrospective on its nature and implications." Eur J. of Clin Nutr. 1977: 51; 207-216
6.Eaton, S Boyd, MD and Konner, M. PhD "Paleolithic Nutrition: A consideration of its nature and current implications." 1985 N.Eng J.Med 312, 283-289
7.Seamen, David R. DC, MS "Clinical Nutrition for pain inflammation and tissue healing"
Copyright 1998 by NutrAnalysis, Inc. p103 Ch 7 The Food Pyramid - Safe or pro-inflamatory
8.World Health Organization "Conquering Suffering, Enriching Humanity, The World Health Report" Geneva 1997
Im glad that you just justified my dairy/gluten free diet choice :) I need to gather the research that shows that the majority of the population seems to be sensitive to gluten. How many Gastrointestinal issues are people just accepting as everyday living?? Keep spreading the word Adrio.
ReplyDeletePs. I love my slow-cooker- the maker of steel cut oats and quinoa casseroles! Ive got some great recipes if you'd like.
Feel free to send them our way! Slow cooking is one of the best ways you can prepare your food. Check out "" for some great dairy and grain free recipes