Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Lets get this started

WOW~ I have to apologize, after moving from midwestern USA to southern Ontario, Canada, and then over to the West Coast, I seem to have let some things collect dust. Unfortunately, the health of my fellow man was one of them.

I made some edits to the last entry, because I realized that it was WAY TOO LONG - I will try to keep things short and sweet (by my own definition of course) - if there is one thing I have learned over the years, its that a little goes a LONG way.

The same is with health, small little changes over time accrue to sustainable massive improvements.

In review of the last post, I gave one small suggestion, and that was to try almond milk in place of dairy milk. Again, no other species (aside from the ones we have domesticated) drinks another animals milk...dairy consuming cultures are the ONLY ones with osteoporosis!!!! Wisconsin, the highest dairy producers in the US, also has the highest rate of osteoporosis.

Would it make any sense for us to drink the milk from dogs? cats? oh, I've got it, how about rats milk? What makes you think that the milk from cows is special and different from any of the three I described above...it may be easier to farm cow milk, but doesn't mean its good for you.


Dr. R

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