It's hitting mainstream. Dr. Oz, Discover magazine, Time magazine... people are starting to talk about this "thing" called EPIgenetics. So just exactly what is it? Well, as the prefix EPI implies, it is something "on" or "above" the genome. It's a control that
tells the DNA what to do and how to act. In the end, that control is YOU.
Over the years, they have been telling us that our genes make us sick... now they are finding out that our blueprint isn't the problem. It's how the blueprint is manifested. Guess what? You get to control how your blueprint comes into fruition. You can use good materials, or poor ones, get the upgrades or not.
Right now in any medical office, or health care office you go to, they go through a family history. They find out if your mom, dad, uncles/aunts and grandparents had heart disease, diabetes, cancer...why? Is it guaranteed that you will get those things if your parents have/had them? If you eat, move and think in ways that are healthy, I can assure you that you will DRASTICALLY reduce your risk of virtually EVERY and ALL chronic diseases that they have been able to place a name on. I can also tell you that after studying health for well over a decade, that what I learned and thought was healthy, wasn't and isn't necessarily so. (read our past articles)
When something is true, it stands the test of time. It is proven true, time and time again. It doesn't change. Interestingly enough, one of the developers of chiropractic, B.J. Palmer (pictured below) in his book "Palmers law of life", talked about how our ancestors before us, were no different than those of us today, and that the genetic blueprint is the same for all and designed for success. The only difference he described, was the environment. WOW.
That's what EPIgenetics is all about. Our blueprint is perfect. It's this EPIgenome that acts like a series of switches that can flip in different positions, and cause our DNA to react to our environment (how we eat, move, and think). B.J. Palmer, and his father before him, D.D. Palmer described those environmental factors with one word. STRESS. Chemical stress from how you eat and toxins in our environment, physical stress from how you are moving or NOT moving, and emotional stress from how we think.
Chiropractic is all about STRESS, and getting your body to decrease STRESS. Who doesn't need that? It was created in 1895, and B.J's book "Palmers law of life" was written in the 1930's. WOW. Now in the 21st century, medicine and health care has finally caught up with what we have been saying all along. Decrease the stress, and you increase life. So the question is, how NEW is epigenetics? It's even older than 1895... even the Palmers had to learn from somewhere...
Take home message - YOU are in complete control of your health, not your father, mother, or grandparents, or the guy/girl in the white coat that says "here, take two of these". It's YOU who gets to take action every day. It's YOU who has full control. YOU are not a victim. YOU have the ability to CHOOSE to live healthy or not. YOUR health is in YOUR hands.
You only have one body- treat it well.

Over the years, they have been telling us that our genes make us sick... now they are finding out that our blueprint isn't the problem. It's how the blueprint is manifested. Guess what? You get to control how your blueprint comes into fruition. You can use good materials, or poor ones, get the upgrades or not.
Right now in any medical office, or health care office you go to, they go through a family history. They find out if your mom, dad, uncles/aunts and grandparents had heart disease, diabetes, cancer...why? Is it guaranteed that you will get those things if your parents have/had them? If you eat, move and think in ways that are healthy, I can assure you that you will DRASTICALLY reduce your risk of virtually EVERY and ALL chronic diseases that they have been able to place a name on. I can also tell you that after studying health for well over a decade, that what I learned and thought was healthy, wasn't and isn't necessarily so. (read our past articles)
When something is true, it stands the test of time. It is proven true, time and time again. It doesn't change. Interestingly enough, one of the developers of chiropractic, B.J. Palmer (pictured below) in his book "Palmers law of life", talked about how our ancestors before us, were no different than those of us today, and that the genetic blueprint is the same for all and designed for success. The only difference he described, was the environment. WOW.

Chiropractic is all about STRESS, and getting your body to decrease STRESS. Who doesn't need that? It was created in 1895, and B.J's book "Palmers law of life" was written in the 1930's. WOW. Now in the 21st century, medicine and health care has finally caught up with what we have been saying all along. Decrease the stress, and you increase life. So the question is, how NEW is epigenetics? It's even older than 1895... even the Palmers had to learn from somewhere...
Take home message - YOU are in complete control of your health, not your father, mother, or grandparents, or the guy/girl in the white coat that says "here, take two of these". It's YOU who gets to take action every day. It's YOU who has full control. YOU are not a victim. YOU have the ability to CHOOSE to live healthy or not. YOUR health is in YOUR hands.
You only have one body- treat it well.
Dr. R
great post! Very relevant and I am sharing this with my patients...